Life has been busy in the cold dry air of late January and early February, a lot of doing even though I have been good at putting big jobs off (apart from the killing, butchering and merguez-ing of the black billy goat), a lot of running errands and around but today thankfully I remembered about my love of naps and I had one small perfectly formed one while the children had gone cycling in the fog.
The last bread (sourdough white spelt) leftover from my last baking on St Brigid’s day (1 February) was dampened and whacked—as we call here the short sojourn in a very hot oven—back to absolute freshness (one of the whys I absolutely love sourdough) for tomorrow’s breakfast and school sandwiches. Time to call it a day.
That is a gorgeous loaf of bread! Wonderful quote from the Upanishads. Thanks for sharing that. I had not read it until now. I have to remember that one.
I’m afraid I had to google Upanishads. And, as is often the case, I am learning something profound and lovely from you. 🙂